Man arrested following traffic stop by Pct. 4

Jason Bridges, Pct. 4 Constable

     A traffic stop by the Nacogdoches County Constable Office Precinct 4 has resulted in the arrest and confiscation of methamphetamine from an Etoile man. Constable Jason Bridges and Deputy Allen conducted a traffic stop on FM 1275 for a traffic violation. A passenger in the motor vehicle, who was not secured by his safety belt, was identified as Robbie Wallace. Bridges stated that Officers observed that Wallace was very nervous and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics. Officers observed a syringe in Wallace seat that contained methamphetamine. Deputies conducted a search of the motor vehicle that lead to the discovery of 6 grams of crystal methamphetamine that was found in the passenger seat floor board inside a shoe box.

     During the search of the vehicle, Deputy Allen also found several ounces of a clear liquid substance and pills. We believe these items to be steroids, and more charges could be filed after they are analyzed by the crime lab. Constable Bridges stated that the Constable Office has been conducting an ongoing investigation into Wallace for several months for distributing methamphetamine in Precinct 4.

     Robbie Wallace 27 years of age from Etoile Texas was arrested at the scene and charged with possession of a controlled Substance a 2nd Felony. Wallace was booked into the Nacogdoches County Jail.

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23 Responses to Man arrested following traffic stop by Pct. 4

  1. U already know says:

    I know a lot more than u think I have proof that he’s a snitch and I know him very well don’t tell me it’s what I think it’s what I know

  2. U already know says:

    Of course danny set him up he’s been seen riding in the front seat with pct 4 he set up T Bailey and more and there is proof of that, what’s sad is how his child is running the streets with him while he does his dirty work for pct 4. There is proof for that as well. I hope everything works out for your brother I’ll pray for him Danny is no good I promise

    • The Truth says:

      Does anyone see the problem here. It’s not Robbie and It’s not Danny It’s meth itself. I know both of these young men, and they are both good people. The problem is meth and what it does to people. This is a hard situation to be in but maybe something like this will help Robbie. People on here making accusations about what they think they know is very sad, and until you have walked a mile in their shoes don’t judge them. As far as you saying all this stuff about Danny, you truley have no idea what you are talking about..You promise he is no good, but you don’t even know him.

  3. Amanda Wallace cox says:

    I would just like to apologize for lashing out and so publicly making accusations about Danny . I was very upset and did not follow my own advice about casting stones for that I am sorry. I am also sorry if I hurt anyone who cares for Danny I know how bad it hurts to read these hateful posts on here about someone you love and I wish would have kept my thoughts to myself. I am a better person than that and I should have thought about who I might hurt if they read those things I said. Please people everyone who reads this, whether you know Robbie or not please take 2 seconds and say a little prayer not just for him but for everyone struggling with addiction. So often we let ourselves be consumed with anger we forget to pray. I am very sorry.

    • Jeanie says:

      Amanda, we have done so and are doing so, praying for your brother and others like him.

      We are also praying for those who are using him for political purposes, to get elected.

      There is something out there that is more addictive than meth: It’s called “power.” Power brings its own rush to those who get it. I remember watching “Cops” on TV one time, and at the end of a speedy chase that ended in an arrest, one of the officers was smiling and laughing and exclaiming, “God, what a rush!!!”

  4. Amoy says:

    You know Meth is a bad drug. Once someone tries it they become almost instantly hooked for life. It controls the brain in ways that a common person can not understand. The drug becomes the person life because it is that addicting. In today’s many good people get caught in this by friends or experiment. Once tried almost always hooked, it is worse then the any drug of the 60’s and the 70’s. This drug is destroying many today because it is so easy to make with common household chemicals. I can say that Robbie is a good young man. I personally can vouch for that. He just got hooked on something worse then hell. I do pray that now others will help him get the help that he needs for him and his family. And we need to always remember that someone’s life might not be as it seems. Some need love, understanding, and help with life as we know it. The world we live in is a cold world without the compassion, love and patience that we give to each other. We should all pray for each others weaknesses and our own.

  5. not this time says:

    Contradicted yourself and that whole sob story about the poor church going Christian way we should look at this towards your brother but its ok to bash the other guy. what happened to pray pray well i pray that you have someone with anything higher than your 5th grade education read what your ignorant ass is writing and I’m also thankful that we have this thing called freedom. of speech so get a tissue stop trying to blame other people and spend the time your wasting with your blogs and help your brother with his problems or whatever you were saying.

    • Sparky says:

      Good Lord, where did these people learn to write? I cannot believe you would talk about someone’s education and display your lack of it by writing run on sentences and having no idea where to use capital letters.

    • Amanda Wallace cox says:

      I guess you know Danny personally? Or maybe you to work with him? And we’re you there? How do you know anything? You know nothing about me, I am not a family member in denial I know Robbie has a problem and we will deal with it head on! So I am praying for Danny. And I know these things for a Fact I even have proof so when this goes to court everything will be presented. As for you talking about MY education level, it really looks like you’re the one with the fifth grade education, so do yourself a favor and don’t reply! And really who are you to call me ignorant! You dont even know me and unless you were there then you are also a hypocrite.

  6. not this time says:

    First off you weren’t there so don’t as you called it slander danny i understand u taking up for your brother but do understand that you are making sum serious. accusations for a person that wasn’t even there and first off his licence was ran and its only expired meaning he didn’t go to dps and renewed it that is not the same as suspended. And what u said about the syringe being planted ha that’s just the dumbest thing i have heard. that sounds like something a family member in denial would say. so.instead oftaking up for your brother by playing the blame game take your own advise u know the bullshi you typed at. first beforeUuyyou absolutely. contradic

  7. Jeanie says:

    See? There you go, “Concerned Tax Payer”. Things are often not all that they seem.

  8. Amanda Wallace cox says:

    this is my little brother and who are you to label him a thug. Robbie is a good guy who just got mixed up in the wrong things with the wrong people. I know that no one is perfect and in every family there are people who make mistakes, some bigger than others but none the less they are still mistakes in life, and who are you to throw rocks and judge. Last time I checked i think that was called slander. Now instead of calling him names like “thug” that he is not, why don’t you people pray for him pray for all of the people with addiction, you don’t know what these people have been through or are going through until you have walked a mile in there shoes, so be a better person and stop with all the name calling and pray. pray for them and there familys and there kids. This was Robbies first offense and when the traffic stop was made they didn’t even ask for drivers license, and robbie was not driving, Danny Speicher was and he didn’t go to jail, and he had a suspended license. Now if you were a cop and you found all these drugs wouldn’t you run both people’s license? I would. But they didn’t it was a set up. Robbie claimed that the drugs in the shoe box were his. All 6 grams. He owned up to that. But he had no idea where the syringe came from. So if he would admit all those drugs were his he would claim it all. I think he was set up when he went to get out of the car danny put the syringe there and that gave them probable cause to search the vehicle. And Danny should have had th ” guilt by association” charge slapped on him.

  9. Jeanie says:

    Heaven forbid that we throw in some serious rehab effort rather than just throw him in jail.

    • Amanda Wallace cox says:

      thank you! He’s really a great person, just had some hard times and instead of seeking help he started using, no that is no excuse but everyone deals with things differently, i believe that with gods help he will get through this, i have to believe that.

  10. Concerned Tax Payer says:

    Heaven forbid that we get the drugs and the thugs off the streets.

    • Anonymous says:

      My comment obviously made you nervous.

      Why are you so nervous?

      Your nervouness is very suspicious.

      Step back from your computer, empty your pockets, put your hands against the wall, and submit to being searched because of your suspicious, nervous reaction to my comment.

      You must be guilty of something.

      Explain yourself.

      Since you are acting nervous because of my comment, then you Since you replied to my comment and showed that it made you nervousmust be guilty of something.

      • Drugs Are Bad says:

        I think you are missing the point. Look past your hatred for who made the arrest and be glad the drugs THOSE drugs are off the street.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The “nervous = guilty” thing should be stricken from the law.

    Who doesn’t get nervous when an over-zealous, badge-happy grandstander with a gun stops you and says, “Let me zee your paperzzzz.”

    • Free Country says:

      Exaclty! The “nervous = guilty” thing (aka “you look funny, prove your innocence” clause) is NOT the law, and smacks of a police state. Also, the idea that police have the ability to detect what someone has consumed by just looking at them is questionable at best. Something tells me that this guy was going to be pulled over and searched regardless of how he drove.

      • Crazy talk says:

        I wish all the dopers and the people crying police state every time law enforcement does there job would move on one island together and live happily ever after. There, I have to read your opinion, so you can read mine.

        • alrightythen says:

          Well it worked out for Australia so why not?

        • Free Country says:

          Crazy talk,

          I don’t mind reading your opinion. I appreciate the opportunity to have a polite exchange of ideas. If we only speak to people who agree with us, we will never learn or grow. I certainly don’t have all the answers, so I’m open to listen to others’ substantive thoughts on the subject.

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