Herrington: Camping in Bad Weather (from the field)

Editor’s note: Herrington found himself in the middle of the storm last night (April 3). These updates were made as the storm went on.

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

     We’ve headed for high ground and cover but the weather we are facing might have been better faced at home.

     I’m trying to write this by cell phone…..while hanging in a hammock and trying to handle the antics of 4 kids and 4 adults….well, 8 kids.

     Cell phone messages are bouncing in and out, wives, daughters, and helpful family members and friends, all trying to warn us of the super cell monster that loams just grayly in the near distance.

     So, it is not until we have to work through our various problems that we have that we find out what we are capable of doing. This is an Emily Dickinson moment. The storm is a hundred miles wide and darkening by the second. Tensions are high, nerves are tight. We have gathered under a shelter and are simply getting ready for what just blasted Dallas.

     We have kidded about it several times. The sky has turned on us, and we’ve started to list the preparations. I guess the best I can do is to post what I’ve got and then add in the morning. Right now, it’s 8 kids.

     Man, submitting something from the field is thumb numbing. We survived last night, but in the midst of other woes we bore our souls, step canned chili doctored with an array of snacks and leftovers, and started an all male wood wind quartette. I doubt we’ll sell many CD’s except to collectors and gag gifters.

     Okay then, we survived. Wet, wind blown, and anxious, we sat through 3 hours of madness while broadcasting by cell phone.

     Kids do this to their parents every night.

     A trip to Bobby’s turns into a 12 hour mella-drama…and meanwhile…sitting in the hot tub and listening to Little Wayne…

     4 hours until we head home.


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