Dining out just got tastier

     Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition nutrition committee announced the creation of a new tool for eating out – the Nacogdoches Dining Guide. The guide lists local restaurants that have Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition “picks” available.

Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition committee member, Sally James, right is ready to install the first Healthy Nacogdoches Approved decal on the entrance door to Clear Springs Restaurant. Also pictured is Clear Springs manager Jeremy Niuman who worked with the coalition volunteers to identify healthy menu items available on the restaurant menu. (Photo by Anthony Key)

     “We created a new logo too that will be displayed in participating restaurants, so all diners will know there are menu choices available that are ‘healthy Nacogdoches approved,’” said coalition member Sally James. “The beauty of the pick is that it is an item that has always been on the menu, not something the restaurant had to add to fit our guidelines.”

     According to James, to create the guide a collation member and a dietician visited with restaurant owners and managers and determined what was served that would be a great choice for someone looking to improve a lifestyle.

     “Those dining out now have a heads up for what’s a delicious, healthy option, not a bland, unsatisfying meal,” said James. “Who would want to go out and pay for a meal that was not tasty and enjoyable?

     “The guide not only points out specific menu items for some places, but it also gives tips for healthy dining no matter where you go,” she said. “People should remember that they can use the healthy food knowledge that they already have to make good choices at any restaurant they choose.”

     In the dining guide, find the list of participating restaurants, the Healthy Nacogdoches Approved logo and more tips for easily improving healthy lifestyle choices. The dining guide is available online in the Eat Well tab at www.healthynacogdoches.org, and hard copies are available at the Nacogdoches County Chamber of Commerce at 2516 North St., the City Recreation Center at 1112 North St., the Nacogdoches Convention and Visitors Center at 200 E. Main St. and at participating restaurants.

     “It’s not about being perfect,” James said, “but being informed and aware of better options gives the community the power to improve health and quality of life.”

     The coalition will continue to add more participating restaurants to the Web site information. Any interested should call 936-569-4691 or email info@HealthyNacogdoches.org.

About Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition
Mission: The Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition is a committed group of community advocates who facilitate positive change to improve the health of the Nacogdoches Community.
Vision: Members of the Nacogdoches Community will embrace a healthier lifestyle.
The Healthy Nacogdoches Coalition will work to meet the following objectives:
– Promote policies and environmental strategies that increase physical activity, promote nutrition, and decrease tobacco use in Nacogdoches.
– Achieve and maintain Heart and Stroke Healthy City Recognition from the Texas Council on CVD and Stroke.
– Support ongoing chronic disease prevention and health promotion programs.

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