Constable Office Pct 4: Several theft cases cleared many arrests made Tuesday

Jason Bridges Pct 4

     The Nacogdoches County Constable Office Precinct 4 has conducted a series of felony arrest Tuesday morning. Constable Bridges stated that his office has been conducting an investigation into numerous thefts and burglaries that have occurred in the Woden, Etoile, Shady Grove and Melrose area. The investigation started about a month ago when the constable office received an anonymous tip of where some possible stolen property was located at. Constable Bridges advised that this tip lead to a series of events that would enable the Constable office to clear One Burglary of a residence, four burglaries of a building and Ten theft cases that have occurred in precinct 4. We have been working this case for about a month now and it has been non stop Bridges said. We have interviewed well over 35 people and have traveled outside of the county several times to interview possible witness or suspects as well as to recover some of the stolen property.

     The Constable Office has recovered one generator, two rifles, one horse saddle, two chain saws, one flat screen Television, one all terrain vehicle, flat bottom boat and other stolen property that came from a drilling rig site. During the investigation, the constable office executed two search warrants in Etoile, Texas that help lead to the recovery of stolen property, along with other items that were founds at both locations were marijuana.

     A total of 15 arrest warrants have been issued for 12 defendants in this case. Most of the suspects have been charged with Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity. Constable Bridges stated that this was basically one big theft ring that we can link to at least 15 offenses that have been committed in our precinct over the course of the last four months. The constable Office has been able to clear many copper thefts that have been reported over the last few months, along with the burglary offenses.

     Constable Bridges stated that different charges were filed depending on what the actually offense committed was. The Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity Charges will enhance the original charge to one level higher than the original offense. Charges have ranged from a 1st degree felony offense to a state jail felony offense.

     Arrested Tuesday were, Blake Kenner 21 years of age from Shady Grove, Jimmy Dempsey 19 years of age from Woden, Texas, Lucretia Nowman 43 years of age from Etoile, Texas, Derek Stewart 19 years of age from Woden, Texas, Dylan Torbert 20 years of age from Woden, Texas, James Payne 24 years of age from Woden, Texas, All arrested for Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity which are all felony offenses.

     Also arrested Oscar Nowman 54 years and Joseph Nowman Sr 56 years of age both from Etoile, Texas, were both arrested for Theft of a Firearm State Jail Felony.

     Warrants have also been issued for the arrest of Joseph Nowman Jr. of Etoile, Tx for Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity and Tommy Earl Harris (No Mugshot available as of May 12) 48 years of age of Nacogdoches, Texas for theft. Both subjects have not been apprehended at this time.

     Constable Bridges stated that his office also brought two theft charges against one Juvenile. There are also two more suspects still under investigation that possible charges may be filed upon at a later date.

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12 Responses to Constable Office Pct 4: Several theft cases cleared many arrests made Tuesday

  1. anonymous ( around with kieki) says:

    ms helen, you are an idiot. and kieke (WHAtEVEr you are), are an obnoxious little twit who tries to manipulate and lie to get her own way. liz crawford (kieki) can’t stand that blake is happy and doing his best to become a mature and responsible adult. noooooo! liz crawford (Kieki) has to go around and start rumors and lie, because she has NO life. She has NO real friends, and she knows of no other way to try and ruin everybody else’s lives, except by lying and stalking and manipulaive measures ! Liz crawford (aka Kieki), is a tramp and knows every back woods road in nacogdoches, shelby and angelina counties. She walks the streets with her boots and whips and chains, BEGGING guys to well…. we won’t go tHEre. only because I pride myself on being better than the average person. but YOU Kieki (AKA LIz CRAWFOrD) are a lying little tramp. grow up! and STOP stalking and harassing kim and blake! oh, btw… are you at least charging now, or still giving it away for free?

  2. ms. kieki says:

    Im glad he finally got caught and i am speaking of blake kenner, he wanted to do meth and start stealing so he could afford it, and his baby on the way isnt his, he had another baby and made her have a abortion hes a horrible guy and deserves everything he gets. He is sleeping with a twelve year old named Mallory Holcomb as well he will be charged.

  3. anonymous says:

    PCT1 ???????????????????????

  4. doyoukissandtell says:

    whatever some of the kids are really good kids that just got mixed up in some trouble i grew up knowing these people so yeahh they are good people that just got mixed up in some bad things

  5. anonymous says:

    blake kenner?? thats crazy

    • Anonymous says:

      yes that is blake kenner you see up there. He wont ever learn to not be a screw up. bet his parents sure are proud of him now

      • Anonymous says:

        Blake is a good kid who got mixed up with the wrong crowd. His parents are nice people, and he has lots of potential. He works full-time and is engaged to a very nice young lady with a baby on the way. Not many people go through life without ever making any mistakes, and most people can, and do, change for the better. For you to say this about him, or any other person for that matter, only tells me you are the kind of person who delights in other people’s mistakes, misfortunes and screw-ups. And THAT, my dear obnoxious friend, is YOUR screw-up.

  6. anonymous says:

    Dont it make you wish that all the precincts in Nac. would do like they do in PCT 4 ? And wonder why they dont ?….Sure wish they would !

  7. anonymous says:

    Way to go J. Bridges, and any and all of the officers involved !!! Praise GOD for all of you !! I pray that the entire county of Nacogdoches will follow you guys’ lead in getting this kind of theives and drugheads off our streets and roadways. I applaud you and this PCT in the awesome work that you have been doing for this county. Many blessings to you all !!!

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