January 21 NPD Crime Log: Perfect day to be selling coats

     1500 block of Glass St. (BOH) Victim stated he went to work at 1400 hrs and returned home at 0130 hrs this morning. He found his kitchen window broken and back door open. Two leather jackets from the bedroom and out of his freezer, several packages of meat were taken. Someone told victim that a known female was trying to sell two leather jackets that afternoon.

     3211 Pearl St. (POM) While investigating a noise complaint, officer found a small amount of marijuana. The resident was arrested.

     900 block of Harris St. (Deadly conduct) The father visited his sons at this address and found out that someone shot through the front window with a 12 gage shotgun, Wednesday night. None of the three brothers called the police to report it.

     1200 block of Randall (BOH) Sometime between 08:00 hrs and 14:30 hrs someone entered the residence and removed a Ruger 22, Astra 9MM, Mossberg .270, jewelry, $400, and a Sony Playstation. Neighbor also reported that the suspect took victims pickup for a short while and then drove it back to the house.

     2800 Pearl St. (DWI) Officers investigated a minor accident and found the driver of one vehicle in a very intoxicated state. The driver was arrested.

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2 Responses to January 21 NPD Crime Log: Perfect day to be selling coats

  1. survivor says:

    Evrythingnac should look into the disorderly conduct at Cypress Ridge Housing on Jan. 19th of 2011 . A female who picks children up for church was verbally assauted and physically threatened. She was then followed by a truck leaving the housing divison while the victim was on her way to drop children off at church. The victim was then verbally assaulted and threatened at the church with children around and followed out of the church by the offenders. When did it become a bad thing to pick children up to bring to church w/p being assaulted. The suspect truck that victim was able to get plate # off of has yet to be located and a complaint was made for disorderly conduct about the juevinials but the adults invovled have still not benn identified. These people are why those unfortunate children grow up to be welfare government using thinking they’re entitled to everything when they don’t work!

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