SFA NEWS – response to statements made by Attorney Kallinen

Stephen F. Austin State University wants to take this opportunity to respond to the attorney representing SFA student Christin Evans regarding the police body cam video depicting the events that took place during a false police report at a residence hall on Sept. 14, 2020.

In a statement released to the media, Randall Kallinen made accusations that Ms. Evans and her parents were denied an opportunity to view the police body cam video.

In fact, in communications with attorney Kallinen, the family was invited to view the video provided they agree to release it to the public. The documented invite was made on Oct. 1 during email communications with SFA legal counsel. A consent form to release the body cam video was also emailed to attorney Kallinen on Sept. 30.

SFA also denies all claims of intimidation and accusations of releasing deceptive edited police body cam video.

The Evans family and their attorney have also expressed concerns of releasing the police body cam video because Christin was in her sleep wear. The video will show she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts when officers entered her room.

SFA remains committed to transparency. SFA has never threatened to release the video without permission. Rather, we call on Christin Evans and her family to join us in this effort of transparency and release the police body cam video.

There has not yet been a face-to-face meeting with Christin, her parents, and attorney. We invite them to join us this week at their convenience.

The doors at SFA are always open!

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