December 23 Crime Log: Reckless driver also uninsured and unlicensed

     100 North DWLI Officer stopped a vehicle that was called in as a reckless driver. The driver’s license was found to be suspended and the driver did not have the vehicle insured. The driver was arrested.

    1100 Woodbine Burglary of a Habitation Complainant left her residence for a few minutes and when she returned she found that her front door was forced open and two TV’s were taken.

    2200 Applebysand Rd DWI Officers responded to a minor accident and found one of the drivers intoxicated. He was arrested.

    4800 Warr Circle Assault Family Violence/Resisting Transportation Offficers responded to a fight between two brothers. Officers arrested one brother for a warrant and the subject resisted being placed into a police vehicle.

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