Herrington: The Game Plan of Fear

Chris Herrington, Contributing Writer

For those who are constantly in the grip of fear, there is a payoff that you might benefit from understanding, the game plan of fear. You may have heard the expression, The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” And some have expressed that this merely covers the first leg of the adventure of bringing wisdom in our lives. But, I want to take this expression to its logical conclusion. The payoff in being in constant fear is that we never have to take responsibility for our own lives, and we can hide out in self-medication indefinitely. All we have to do is to drum sufficient terror or fear in our lives and we become automated, push the button and we jump, just like Pavlov’s dogs. The payoff is not in our not getting the jolt we fear, it is in our not having to think about it anymore: the uselessness, the hopelessness, the abandonment, someone will take care of us.

In the public and private sectors, these arguments are seen as the battle ground between the nanny state and the corporate elite. Government or big business. But the truth is that the strand of thinking that is used to disempower us at the mid-macro level of national or international levels, begins its true impact at the micro-micro level and maybe even at the nano-level. Why do we need to trust either one? Why can’t we trust each other? There is one simple reason that is the grounding of all fear: We don’t trust ourselves.

Religion tells us that we sin. Our waistlines tell us that we cheat. The courts give us a warning. The agencies and institutions in our lives constantly cajole us to stay within the lines. And even those who are monsters are ready to lawyer up, are armed to the teeth, have an offshore account, a thing on the side, a leak in the bag, a tension headache and the unutterable fear of a cyber-attack or God forbid, having our identity stolen. And vices are booming.

The military industrial complex is absolutely sure we must be ready and even pre-emptively strike with Tony Stark precision and magnitude, every conceivable enemy who may ever arise in the history of the world, and this is done be unleashing the unheralded robotic force of drones and the new waves of ever complex technology which just happens to be made by their friends at X,Y, and Z Destructomatics, which is now to be bought out by World Peace Inc., where, “We bring that kind of peace your grandfather’s dreamed about.”

If they war machine wants war then cyberwar it is, and the hackers move in a succession of embedding constructions meant to busy the foe while the real work is done by the insiders who tape worm the economy from the belly of the beast. The fight back comes in the form of productivity increases and the loss of jobs which really comes at a time when the jobs were no longer available anyways. And it all gets back to doing it for ourselves.

Once the votes are tallied and the signatures are dry, the next move is to totally destroy the middle class. Now, who is actually doing this? Oh, my God the fear mongering continues on into the night and meanwhile the throngs and thongs sit by at the malls of America, waiting to see who leaves on Dancing with the Stars.


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