The following is the information provided by the US Attorney General’s Office.

     U.S. Attorney John M. Bales announced today that 14 individuals have been arrested following a year-long investigation into drug trafficking in the Lufkin and Nacogdoches area.

     A 12-count sealed indictment was returned by a federal grand jury on Mar. 17, 2011, charging 11 individuals with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute cocaine and possession with the intent to distribute cocaine. Three of the individuals are also charged with possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime. A separate sealed indictment in another unrelated case was also filed on Mar. 17, 2011, charging Teodocio Carrera, also known as Maclovio Ocon, along with two other individuals, with conspiracy with intent to distribute methamphetamine and distribution of methamphetamine.

The following individuals are in custody:

Defendants in Custody: DOB City of Residence

Jesus Pineda 4/24/1982 Nacogdoches, Texas

Antonio Mendoza 1/17/1986 Nacogdoches, Texas

Israel Colin 8/20/1982 Nacogdoches, Texas

Esteban Castro 9/26/1985 Nacogdoches, Texas

Robert Max Wilson 4/17/1986 Lufkin, Texas

Leocadio Garcia Rivera 9/26/1984 Nacogdoches, Texas

Eleazar Rivera Estrada 2/03/1989 Nacogdoches, Texas

Augustin Chacon 9/28/1966 Lufkin, Texas

Armando Colin 8/21/1983 Nacogdoches, Texas

Ramiro Samarripa 5/29/1969 Lufkin, Texas

Margarita Pineda unknown Nacogdoches, Texas

Nelson Rodriguez 3/13/1974 Nacogdoches, Texas

Teodocio Carrera a/k/a 5/29/1962 Nacogdoches, Texas

Maclovio Ocon

     The indictment seeks the forfeiture of $1 million cash in drug proceeds. The indictment also seeks forfeiture of 6 pieces of real estate property in Lufkin and Nacogdoches and multiple vehicles that were utilized in the drug trafficking crimes.

     This case is being investigated by the FBI, the ATF, Texas Department of Public Safety – Criminal Investigations Division, the Nacogdoches Police Department, the Lufkin Police Department, assisted by the Angelina County Sheriff’s Department, the Nacogdoches County Sheriff’s Office, Center Police Department, Nacogdoches County Constable Precinct 4, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, the Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Marshals Service. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lisa Flournoy.

     A grand jury indictment is not evidence of guilt. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well I know for a fact there is an innocent man in that 14 that was detained and I want his name to appear in the newspaper too just like they did making his reputation look bad. Don’t just judge without knowing all the 14 detained maybe some are guilty but this individual has been fighting to show how sadly the goverment has gone wrong on him. If you all are wondering who, or don’t believe so. I want this to be known of in the community so this doesn’t happen to other innocent people. Sad how he was involved with other individuals that were maybe involved in this trouble and being innocent.

  2. Romy the one and only says:

    Does anybody know when that taco eating retards trial is?

  3. Romy the one and only says:

    All of this is so funny. Ive been wanting something bad to happen to that retard esteban for so long and now it finally happend. ima go celebrate. LMFAO

  4. super man says:


  5. anonymou says:

    What????? Hollie is pregnant???? U have got 2 b kidding!!!!!

  6. anonymous says:

    Other anonymous do u kno estabans wife???? She n I r friends……….u kno more than I do bout the situation!!!! The mh definately shld b hers its not n estabans name just as the truck shld go 2 her its n her name!!!! She’s gettin screwed in this situation!

    • Anon says:

      I know both of them. She is getting screwed and the law enforcement is helping with that too. Like I said, they have been contacted about the truck and the mh being vandalized and they don’t do anything about it. Wassup wid dat?

  7. Honest1 says:

    I’m not ashame to write that I was a wet back. Now I’m a US Citizen. I’m sad to read all this names, I love my Mexican people, but if your not here in the U.S to prosper and do the right things than you dont deserve to be in the States. People like above-mentioned are leaving a black mark behind for all other Hispanics that really deserve to be treated with dignity and respect by INS and laws. Hope everything ends up good for those individuals and learn their lesson!

    • American says:

      Congratulations to you Honest1 for doing the right thing and becoming a U.S. citizen. Hopefully more will follow your example.

      The problem is not immigration. The problem is illegal immigration and associated crimes.

      • Anon says:

        I know a lot of hard working Mexicans. I know there are those that stand under the bridge every morning looking for day work to help support their families which is more than I can say for the caucasion or afro americans. I don’t see any of them standing under a bridge for day work. I don’t see why huge companies don’t base some of their plants in Mexico. If I were Mexican, didn’t have squat, and lived on the border of the land of the free and opportunity I would be trying to get there. If plants were placed there maybe it would encourage more to stay there. It is just an idea.

  8. D L says:

    nice! they can say and acuse whom ever they want, beacuse elections are almost here and they want to be acting like busy people.
    these nice rambos are acusing whatever they wish because they can, very soon we will vote them out.
    you know that a wet back can be acused of whaever because they cannot defend themselves.
    DA, please get busy and do your job and do not do clowny things, if you can not do the job just say it and we need to look for qualified people, do not acuse inocent people, just make sure we are safe. if it is too much to ask just say it and we need to look for a professional for that job.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Wow anonymous u kno A LOT about estaban I didn’t realize tht many ppl knew about the incident at the school and him not payin his wife child support on their 3 kids who were at the house when the cops busted in! Now estabans nasty gf is givin his wife grief about the truck which is in his wifes name!

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep and the mh that he was living in belongs to his wife and people are still going in and tearing the place up. Guns are still in the yard and the police, and sheriff departments won’t assist the wife in this matter……they say it is a civil case. Perhpas the FBI or ATF should be notified about it……..see if they can handle what these departments won’t.

      • Anon says:

        Yep she messed up the truck……took the stero equipment out of it. I hear she is four months pregnant. What can I say?

      • aj........... says:

        i have been working too hard – let me try to join up the dots……the feds and others raid several places and arrest a load of drug dealing arms bearing mexicans…… it then transpires that at one of the residences kids are picked up – not by cps….. arms are found but not impounded…… and damage is caused to the home and car- truck – vehicle or whatever belonging to one of the arrested persons spouses………. I’m sure in normal circumstasnces the arms would have been taken for anylsis, the kids would have gone to a safe place, and the no doubt intimidated estranged spouse would have been offered some protection.

    • AJ........ says:

      Theres guns laying around? the police didnt take them for forensics? maybe we should lock up the NPD as well

    • Star says:

      Ok do yall know what yall r talking about because Pollos ex wife lefted him for a crack head and she is as bad as him. She shouldn’t get ***t!!!!!!!!!Pollo was taking care of those Kids better than the mama was. So get the facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Star says:

      But Pollo gave her the truck, his baby mama had the Jeep but she ****ed it up, His baby mama is on that stuff and she dont need ***t!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous says:


  11. American says:

    They are just doing jobs that Americans don’t want to do. Right?

    • imjustsaying says:

      You shouldn’t generalize. All Hispanics are not that way; I assure you people of your race have also been convicted of these crimes.

      • anon says:

        I know all mexicans are not like that, heck all eight of my grandchildren have one mexican parent. My oldest grandchilds mexican grandmother was selling drugs out of her house and when the police raided her house she used him as a shield and she had stuffed drugs in his diaper. My grandchilds dad was involved in drive by shootings. They both skipped bail and as far as I know are still in mexico. I know lots of Mexican people so don’t say I am generalizing.

      • American says:

        By the way, not referring to “All Hispanics” or citizens just the illegal aliens.

        Some of those busted were illegals and they should not be here in the first place.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This has been going on longer than the post year. I know Boy O has been an NPD informant and am surprised he was picked up……after all he has been picked up before, deported, and some how found his way back to Nac. He was a look out when the copper stealing was going on and a drug dealer. Maybe his bragging about the 350, 000 dollars he has (probably now at his mommas), and assaulting a man outside his daughters school in view of a poiceman (who didn’t do anything), children, teachers and other parents made him a liability. All these forces should be in on this bust. After all, he is illegal, making money and not filing and income tax return, assaulting the citizens of this country, and not paying child support. What makes him so special?
    Were the NPD trying to cover their butts in this? Maybe someone should look at the organized crime unit of the NPD cause I know they know what has been going on with this character.

    • mememememe says:

      Who is Boy O??? I don’t see anyone on this list named that.

    • Star says:

      What u dont know the whole story. Why in the hell would u want a crack head around ur kids, His baby mama is no good she is a meth head and she dont take care of those kids. I know because my and Pollo r like family so talk and say what u wont but get it right!!!!!!!!!!!!

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