“David Baker brings a considerable reputation and talent to the SFA community,” said Dr. Mark Sanders, SFA professor of English and chair of the department. “He is the author of numerous books of poems and criticism, a Guggenheim Fellowship Award winner and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship Award winner. He is highly regarded nationally and internationally.”
Born in Maine, Baker is currently the poetry editor for the Kenyon Review, one of the top literary journals in the country, Sanders said. He also holds the Thomas B. Fordham Chair of Creating Writing at Denison University in Ohio and teaches in the Master of Fine Arts program at Warren Wilson College.
Outside of Baker’s public reading Thursday, he will be on campus during the week to work with SFA creative writing students.
“He’ll be working closely with a number of our creative writing students in a one-week seminar. His readings are evocative and powerful so students and community members will find his poetry of the highest quality,” Sanders said.
Among Baker’s many books are “Midwest Eclogue,” “Never-ending Birds,” “Heresy and the Ideal” and “Show Me Your Environment.” His most-recent collection of poetry, “Scavenger Loop,” was his 15th published book.
Thursday night’s reading is free and open to the public.