County Constable Office Precinct 4 finds 4 grams of methamphetamine

Jason Bridges, Pct. 4 Constable

     The Nacogdoches County Constable Office Precinct 4 conducted a search of a residence late Friday afternoon that has lead to the seizure of 4 grams of methamphetamine. Constable Bridges stated that his office had been receiving information of narcotics activity from a residence on South Fredonia Street. Bridges stated that an ongoing investigation into the manufacturing and distributing of methamphetamine in Nacogdoches County assisted officers with information on the primary suspect who has been identified as Reba Gerbon.

     Gerbon was arrested by the constable office in a methamphetamine drug round up in August 2010. Gerbon was charged at that time with Delivery of a Controlled Substance for methamphetamine.

     Constable Bridges stated that his office received consent to search the residence on Friday, December 16, 2011. A search of the residence revealed 4 grams of methamphetamine that was located inside the residence along with plastic baggies and other drug paraphernalia.

     Reba Gerbon 38 years of age from Nacogdoches, Tx was arrested at the scene and charged with possession of a controlled substance 3rd felony. Gerbon was transported to the Nacogdoches County Jail and booked in for the above offense.

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14 Responses to County Constable Office Precinct 4 finds 4 grams of methamphetamine

  1. Billy Dix says:

    We’ve got to get Kerss out of office and get someone who will get control f these meth heads who are victimizing the hard working tax paying citizens of Nacogdches County.

    • Side Lines says:

      But, kind of like “Knows. . ” said, Bridges is “victimizing” the tax payers too, by working in other counties and getting paid by Nac Co.

      • Billy Dix says:

        I guess you also think that Shem Kerss went to Del Rio to take custody of Barnhill when he fled after killing his wife that Kerss was “working in another county while being paid by Nacogdoches”. You and “Knows….” are grasping at thinner and thinner straws to make your points in favor of that loser, Kerss.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          Being that it was a city case, I doubt that he went to Del Rio, genius. You get smarter and smarter, don’t you?

    • Side Lines says:

      But it’s kind of like “Knows. . ” said, Bridges is victimizing the citizens of Nac Co by working in other counties while being paid by this one. In essence, they’re being victimized twice.

      • Billy Dix says:

        Bridges and his deputies are just about the only ones actually working for the taxpayers of Nacogdoches in working crime. And, unlike our current do nothing soon to be replaced Sheriff Kerss he will go where the investigation takes him to get the job done.

        • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

          Now you’re just being hilarious! All hail to the mighty Bridges!

          He’s working alright! He’s wasting Nacogdoches tax payers’ money by working in another county and chasing his tail to make weak arrests that aren’t sticking. Jeez, what a waste of time. At least when Bridges loses this election, he won’t be an elected official anymore and all of his nonsense will stop. (Then you can find something else to gripe about.)

      • Knows VOTER PCT 1's Motive says:

        You’re right!

  2. noname says:

    needs to also look into Kristina Spring Waters

  3. Well said! says:

    I believe change said it all ….and will happen.

  4. change says:

    In my business experiance with them the sheriff office ordered the work and we did the work. No commissioners ever was involved in our transactions untill the SO never paid the bill and I had to make visits to commissioners to get paid after six months. And this happened year after year, not just once. Id say we have plenty of experiance. We would call and always get lied to. Oh the check just got approved
    We mailed that last week.
    Sheriff has that invoice in his car.
    Come to find out nobody ever turned them in for approval by the commissioners.
    we are a small business not a bank.

  5. long time nacogdochian says:

    it may be time for change, but you don’t have a clue about what you are saying,
    who do you think decides where stuff is bought. THEY ARE CALLED CALLED COMMISSONERS

  6. change says:

    Change says:

    December 22, 2011 at 8:25 am

    It is time for a change. Kerss only hires bozos that have no chance of standing up and running for his job. He has all those deputies and not one has Initiative to follow thru. Very few are over the age of 40 and some have to have daddy or moma buy shells for those glocks cuz JR is not old enough. When you call in on a breakin of your new house and bozo showes up with died hair and a camera and you show him the large footprint on the door he never measures it or takes a picture of it. Come on. Then he followes you in the house scared someone might jump him. LOL. Then never cheacks open attic area leaving that to you with your own gun after he leaves. The only info he leaves is this is going on everywhere. Why does the sheriff need a semi truck? What could it possibly have to pull. It was a dope truck taken in but our county wasted several thousand painting it and putting those expensive decals on it. I noticed his dept has a one ton truck. Was this purchased to haul that exravigant christmas float with. All those employees watching inmates put on garland and lights while the residents have to suffer breakins and meet scared gun totting bozo. That whole parade thing leaves alot of people with a bad tast in their mouth. Protect the county not parade. Now you know as well as i do if it was my wife who sprayed pepper spray in someones eyes she would have went to jail. And my job would be in ruin. Those people walk between the rain drops. Shop Nac first huh? His department shops for everything they purchase out of town. From the patrol cars to the decals on them to the lights and food. If it didnt take such a EPA permit to store thier own fuel they would cut out Denny oil. All the services they purchase should be mandated to stay here. If the service is offered somewhere else cheaper than the sheriff should ask local provider to match to keep county money here. Please Nacogdoches county vote to change this. Oh ya there is a scare tactic being used on empoyees. The sheriff dept is saying to the staff that if Jason wins he is going to fire everyone and bring in his own people. This Is a LIE!!! If your worried about your job then you are not doing a good enough one to stay. Jason will not fire you. You will have to turn in a job application to keep it. When the sheriff is running around telling all you good employees you are going to get fired dont listen. Its just another ploy to get you to support the sheriff. (MIND CONTROL) To find out anymore just ask one of the deputies when you see them out and around town. Ive ask several and they are all excited about the prospect of having a new boss. Not sad about one that might get voted out. Does that tell you something? Vote for Jason

  7. noname says:

    bridges needs to investigate michael stevenson, brother of karen stevenson waters. he lives in douglass

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