Nacogdoches Sheriff Conducting Human Trafficking Investigation

     Today the Nacogdoches County Sheriff’s Office detained a large group of illegal aliens that were traveling through Nacogdoches County in a Chrysler Minivan. At approximately 3:30 this afternoon deputies Kenneth King and Steven Molanders spotted 11 people traveling northbound on U. S. 59 in the 7 seat capacity Minivan and stopped the vehicle for traffic violations, including several “No Seatbelt” violations. Upon contacting the occupants, it was determined that none of the 11 occupants of the vehicle were legally in the United States. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials were notified and federal detainers were placed on all 11 individuals. The individuals were very hungry and thirsty, reporting that they had not eaten since their journey through Texas began, but, otherwise, they all appeared to be in good physical condition.

     Interviews conducted with the occupants helped us determine that most of the detainees had originally come from the countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The individuals were believed to have traveled into Mexico from Guatemala, then through the interior of Mexico to the Texas/Mexican border where they were smuggled into Texas along with a larger group of illegal aliens. A group of ten individuals were assigned a driver (also an illegal alien) and all 11 people then crowded into the Chrysler Minivan and began traveling northbound through Texas.

     According to some members of the group, they were initially attempting to reach Texarkana where they would further disburse. At least some members of the group claimed to have been attempting to reach New York.

     All 11 individuals will be detained overnight in the Nacogdoches County Jail until ICE can arrange for transport to a federal holding facility. State Human Trafficking charges are being considered against the driver but have not been filed at this time since we are still working with federal authorities to determine the most efficient way to deal with this matter.

     My officers did a very good job of recognizing the situation they had encountered and I am proud of them for their actions and efforts. This type of discovery helps remind us that we in East Texas are not exempted from the large scale Illegal Immigration/Human Trafficking issues that our country and state faces. Nor are we isolated from the Homeland Security concerns that stems from this type of human smuggling operation. Obviously, if these individuals could arrive in Nacogdoches County, Texas from foreign countries other than Mexico in this number, so could international terrorists.

Sheriff Thomas Kerss
Nacogdoches County, Texas

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3 Responses to Nacogdoches Sheriff Conducting Human Trafficking Investigation

  1. Nac Libertarian says:

    Securing our border will be very difficult unless American immigration laws are reformed to remove the incentives to violate border control laws.

  2. JB says:

    Heck, he could just go down to the park on any given day and round up the day laborers. Congratulations Sheriff for detaining some illegals, but don’t go patting yourself on the back when you, your deputies and NPD turn a blind eye to illegals on a daily basis. If you are serious, round em up and send em home!

  3. D says:

    OMG…why does Kerrs want local media reporting this for? The “International terrorists” line in his press release is slightly over the top. Is he trying to persuade us to think…that any given County Road, City Street, or Highway in Nacogdoches doesn’t have @least 1/2 a dozen plus illegals? Get real Kerrs. This County is full of illegals.

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