Woman arrest for selling meth near a school

Jason Bridges Pct 4

     The Nacogdoches County Constable Office Precinct 4 has made another arrest into an ongoing investigation into methamphetamine distributors in Nacogdoches County.

     Constable Bridges stated that his office has had an ongoing operation to identify and target methamphetamine distributors. During the last month the Constable Office has seized three active methamphetamine laboratories in Nacogdoches County that has resulted in four felony arrest as a result of those investigations.

     During the course of the investigation our office was able to identify a female that we believe has been selling methamphetamine from her residence in central heights. The residence is located about 500 feet from the school district, so this was certainly a high value target that we needed to shut down.

     Bridges stated that his office was assisted by the Nacogdoches County Constable Office PCT 1. Deputies arrived at the residence Tuesday evening and received permission to search the residence. Deputies found Lisa Lintz in possession of more than a gram of methamphetamine and found more drugs inside the residence. Bridges stated that a search of the residence revealed digital scales, plastic baggies being used to package and distribute methamphetamine along with other drug paraphernalia.

     Lisa Lintz 46 years of age from Central Heights was arrested at the scene for possession of Methamphetamine a 3rd Felony. Constable Bridges stated that the charges may be enhanced due to Lintz was within a 1000 feet of a school zone.

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