City of Nacogdoches Main Street Advisory Board honors downtowners

     In honor of National Preservation Month the City of Nacogdoches Main Street advisory board announced its inaugural “Main Street Award” winners this week. The program was designed to give recognition for the hard work downtowners have demonstrated in the revitalization of historic downtown Nacogdoches. “This will be an annual awards program, recipients will be announced each year in May during National Preservation Month,” said Main Street Manager Sarah O’Brien. “This is just a small token of our appreciation for everything they have done.” A nominations committee was appointed by the Main Street Advisory board and recipients were nominated and chosen by that group earlier this spring.

     The categories for the Main Street Award Winners are:

Main Street Impact Award: Business that has had a great social and economic impact on downtown

Main Street Spirit Award: Business that has participated above and beyond with downtown events.

Main Street Hero Award: Individual that has demonstrated tireless effort and hard work to make downtown a great place to shop and visit

     Both the Main Street Hero and Impact awards were given to two businesses, one new business and one long standing business. The 2011 Main Street Award Winners are:

Impact Award: Old Towne General Store and Greer’s

Spirit Award: The Wildflower and Glass Castles

Hero Award: Gerry Larabee at Heart of Texas.

     “I believe the nominations committee did an outstanding job of selecting this year’s award recipients,” said O’Brien, “we look forward to being able to honor more downtowner’s next year.” The Main Street Awards plaques are on display at all of the award winners’ place of business. Residents and visitors can stop by and say “thanks” to these downtowner’s for their hard work in helping make downtown a great place to shop and visit.

     For more information or questions about the City of Nacogdoches Main Street Program and its annual “Main Street Awards” program please contact the City of Naocgdoches Main Street Office at 936-559-2573 or email

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